Thursday 26 September 2013

Harvard Referencing

"Thirty second later I had another tap on the freshly cast rod - only this time it was more definite". 
(Roberts, Issue 210, 2008, p.10).

"In the 1950's and early 1960's the United States provided the model for successful popular music in terms of genres, recording technology's, style and image". (Harper ET Al, 2009, p.237).

"Only a month before the biennale opened, officials in St. Petersburg seized four paintings from a gallery on the eve of the annual meeting of the Group of 20 nations." stated by NYTimes (2013).


Roberts, D. (2008) Improve your Course Fishing. Issue 210. Peterborough: Bauer Angling.

Harper, G. et al (2009) Sound and Music in Film and Visual Media. New York: Continuum.

Myers, S. (2013) NYTimes [online]. Available from: (Accessed: 26 September 2013).

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